Please review the setup information below to ensure your files have been set up correctly. You will incur a $35 reproofing fee if you require changes after we have started proofing your job. Files set up incorrectly may delay your job and incur an additional $30 setup fee.

It is your responsibility to ensure that all the merged letters and envelopes are in the correct order. We highly recommend that you confirm the accuracy of the information from the letter to the envelope on your first and last piece as well as some random pieces in the middle of your job. Also, confirm a matching quantity of pages in the letter file versus the envelope file; for instance, a 1000 piece one-page letter order should have 1000 pages both in the letter and envelope PDF file.

  1. Multi-page orders: In a multi-page order all the pages need to be sequential regardless of whether you choose a single-sided or double-sided printing. For instance, in a 2-page order, your PDF file will begin with page 1 then 2 then page 1 again. Therefore if you order a 1000 two-page order, your PDF for letters needs to be 2000 pages, but your envelope PDF will be 1000 pages.
  2. Full bleed letters must include a minimum of 1/16” bleedon every side.
  3. Non-full bleed lettersmust have a minimum of ¼” clear margin on every side.
  4. Graphics: We highly recommend a minimum of 300 dpi for all graphics or your print job may appear low quality.
  5. All photos, graphics, signatures, or other elements need to be included in your letter.
  6. Mailing date: Nothing in your merged PDFs can be modified including your mailing date. If you show a mailing date in your letter, that date will be printed as shown.

You must upload a PDF file for your envelopes. We recommend using one of our envelope templates from here.

  • Handwritten fonts: You can choose any handwritten fonts that are available on your computer since you are mail merging your own envelopes. But you will need to make sure that you embed your handwritten fonts in the PDF so your fonts print correctly.
  • Full bleed envelopes: This letter printing product only supports not full-bleed envelopes which means you must have at least a ¼” clear margin on all 4 sides. Your envelopes must be ordered separately if you need to use full bleed envelopes with your letters.
  • Graphics: All graphics must be included in the uploaded PDF. We highly recommend a minimum of 300 dpi for graphics or your print may not look high quality.
  • Addressing zone: This page shows the areas that must be left clear for addressing, USPS barcoding, and postage.
Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.